Adam's THE LIBRARY COLLECTION 14th April 2021

159 The Library Collection | 14th April 2021 Payment 14. Unless credit terms have been agreed with the Auctioneer before the auction the buyer of a Lot shall pay to the Auctioneer within one (2) days from the date of the auction the Total Amount Due. Notwithstand- ing this, the Auctioneer may, in its sole discretion, require a buyer to pay a deposit of 25% of the Total Amount Due at the conclusion of the auction. The Auctioneer may apply any payments received by a buyer towards any sums owing from that buyer to the Auctioneer on any account what- ever regardless of any directions of the buyer or his agent in that regard whether express or implied. The Auctioneer shall only accept payment from successful bidders in cash, draft in Euro or by the bidder’s own cheque drawn on an Irish bank account vouched to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer. Cheques drawn by third parties, whether in the Auctioneer’s favour or requiring endorsement, shall not be accepted. 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The purchased Lot shall be at the buyer’s risk in all respects from the earlier of the time of collection or the expiry of (2) days from the date of the auction. Neither the Auctioneer nor its employees, servants or agents shall thereafter be liable for any loss or damage of any kind how- soever caused while a purchased Lot remains in its custody or control after such time Packaging and Handling of Purchased Lots 17 . Purchased Lots may be packed and handled by the Auctioneer, its employees, servants or agents. Where this is done it is undertaken solely as a courtesy to buyers and at the discretion of the Auctioneer. Under no circumstances shall the Auctioneer, its employees, servants or agents be liable for damage of any kind and howsoever caused to glass or frames nor shall the Auctioneer be liable for the errors or omissions of, or for any damage caused by, any packers or shippers which the Auctioneer has recommended. Non-Payment or Failure to Collect Purchased Lots 18. 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